Hidradenitis, popularly known as dog nipple Suppurativa is a skin disease that causes small and painful nodules under the skin . It occurs as a result of clogging and inflammation of hair follicles in folded areas where sweat glands are dense and active . Since the formation of the disease and the scars it leaves behind resemble the shape of a dog’s nipple, we come across this disease more often as canine udder disease in the sources. Since it is confused with acne, treatment is often delayed. Dog nipples aren’t just a health issue. Aesthetically, it is quite uncomfortable. Since the problem concerns the hair follicles, it is quite curious whether laser application can be a solution.
Well, what exactly is the cause of this disease that many of us have heard for the first time, or heard about because it has never happened to us, but skip it? To what extent does it affect quality of life? Can dog breast disease be treated with laser hair removal? Its name in the medical literature is Hidradenitis. The answers to all these questions you wonder about the canine udder disease, which is Suppurativa , are in the continuation of our article.
What Causes Dog Nipple Disease?
The exact cause of the disease is unknown. However, swelling under the skin in folds and folded areas of the body is thought to be caused by clogging and inflammation in the hair follicles. Dog breast disease is more common in overweight people and smokers. Obesity and smoking pose a risk for this disease. In addition; metabolic Factors such as syndrome , hormonal changes, stress, genetic predisposition also play a role in the development and course of the disease.
Where Does Dog Nipple Disease Occur?
Dog nipples can affect one or more areas. In the armpits, under the breast, in the groin area, in the genital area, on the buttocks; that is, it occurs in areas where the sebaceous and sweat glands are most active.
What Are the Symptoms in Canine Mammary Disease?
Dog udder disease progresses in stages. In the first stage of the disease, large abscesses that leave scars do not occur. Even if the nodules are more than one, large and painful swellings do not occur at this stage. In the later stages, small lesions can enlarge and turn into inflamed swellings that affect the surrounding tissues.
How Does Dog Nipple Treatment Work?
It can be difficult to detect canine udder disease, which presents with acne-like lesions in the areas it affects, at first. The problem, which is considered as a simple acne and postponed, can turn into a lifelong disease in the later stages. Therefore, early diagnosis is extremely important. However, it should also be noted that; There is no definitive treatment for dog breast. The treatments applied are aimed at reducing the severity of the disease. The sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to control. Canine udder disease is treated with antibiotic therapy and surgical methods.
How Does Dog Mammary Disease Affect People?
Dog udder, which causes bad smelling discharge, pain and bad marks, affects patients both physiologically and psychologically in a very negative way. In the later stages, severe pain may occur, which can distract people from their work. Streams and scars that cause bad odor damage the sense of self-confidence; It can bring people to the point where they will completely cut off from social life over time.
Can Laser Hair Removal Be the Solution for Dog Breast Treatment?
Laser devices work by destroying the hair follicles under the skin through the laser beam. They ensure the complete disappearance or thinning of hard and thick hairs. Removing hairs in areas where the disease is common with laser epilation can be a useful measure for many people.