What is Zirconium (Crown) Dental Veneer?
Zirconium material used in dental veneer applications with its inherent structural properties . Although it has been preferred in posterior teeth for many years with the advantage of pressure resistance, it has started to be applied frequently within the scope of smile design procedures for aesthetic purposes today.
What Advantages Does Zirconium Dental Veneer Have?
- It does not have a flexible structure. It is resistant to jaw pressure.
- It is tough and solid. It does not break or crack easily.
- It is suitable for tooth color. It looks natural.
- Metal is unsupported. Since it does not have a metal infrastructure, it adapts more easily to the gums.
- It is long lasting.
- As long as a quality porcelain is used, there is no loss of color.
- With the right care, staining can be avoided. Even if there is staining over time due to the use of excessive tobacco products, it can be easily cleaned by the dentist and returns to its original state.
- It provides an aesthetic smile.
For Which Situations Is Zirconium Veneer Suitable?
- in decayed teeth
- In broken teeth
- Intermittent / Split teeth
- In deformities
- In the absence of teeth
- In tooth discoloration
- If there is a loss of substance in the teeth
How is Zirconium Dental Veneer Performed?
There is no strict age limit for zirconium crowns. It is sufficient that the development of the tooth and jaw structure is completed. In order to turn the structural properties of zirconium into an advantage with the application of dental veneers and to provide the desired visual results, it is extremely important how the material is processed at the laboratory stage, as well as the handcraft of the dentist. In addition, the cooperation of the patient is also needed for the zirconium tooth coating procedure , which is especially demanded for aesthetic purposes. The patient should be clear and precise about exactly what kind of image he or she wants to achieve as a result of the procedure. The dentist determines the priorities of the patient with a general examination in line with detailed dental imaging examinations. After the necessary interventions are made and the problems that may be urgent are eliminated, the zirconium tooth coating procedure is started to be planned. The dentist shares all the details of the process with the patient. In line with expectations, needs and targeted results, the implementation phase begins.
- The application area is anesthetized so that no pain or pain is felt during the procedure.
- The teeth to be treated are reduced and resized to be suitable for the veneer.
- After the reduction process, the measurement is taken.
- Temporary teeth are inserted to avoid any problems until the veneer is placed.
- The color tone is decided. It is recommended to choose tones that will be compatible with the tooth color and will not disturb the harmony.
- The measurement is sent to the laboratory. In the laboratory stage, the hard material is coated with porcelain and made softer and compatible with the gums.
- In about a week, the temporary teeth are removed from the patient, zirconium crowns are attached, the compatibility and functionality in the mouth are checked and the procedure is completed.
What is the Healing Process After Zirconium Veneer?
Since the procedure area is anesthetized, the patient is not expected to feel any pain during the procedure. Thanks to the temporary teeth inserted after the tooth is reduced, sensitivities that may occur by contact with the area are prevented. The patient can continue his daily life from where he left off, both after the reduction process and after the veneer is applied. After zirconium tooth coating, attention should be paid to oral hygiene in order for the application to be long-lasting . As long as the zirconium crown is masterfully processed and applied using quality materials, it can be used for many years without any problems with proper and adequate oral care.
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Other Details About Zirconium Dental Veneer
Does Zirconium Dental Veneer Cause Bad Breathe?
One of the concerns about the zirconium dental crown procedure is whether it will cause bad breath. Bad breath is a problem that occurs as a result of various physiological disorders or due to inadequate oral care. It is not expected that zirconium coatings made by paying attention to edge harmony without sacrificing quality will cause bad breath.
Does Zirconium Dental Veneer Corrode Teeth?
Caries preventive adhesives are applied in zirconium tooth coating. Tooth decay may occur due to problems with neighboring teeth. The tooth does not rot because it is covered with zirconium.