What is Thigh Lift?
Procedure of reshaping the legs by removing excess skin and fat from the inside of the leg and thigh area. Factors such as aging, giving birth, weight gain and gravity are the common causes of sagging skin in the body. Another important reason for sagging skin, which is concentrated in certain parts of the body, is the rapid weight loss after bariatric surgery. Intense sagging of the skin in the thigh area covering the area between the hip and knee and the thinner skin on the inner legs generally develops due to sudden and rapid weight loss. The area most affected by sagging skin on the legs is the inner thighs, which are covered with thinner and more sensitive skin. Rashes that occur due to friction in these areas and skin folds are one of the most common physical complaints of sagging problems in the inner parts of the legs.
How Does Leg Sagging Affect Life Comfort and Quality?
- Restriction of daily physical activities
- Clothing preferences consist of limited options,
- The need to constantly wear a corset,
- relieve the rash problem symptomatically become a part of life,
- Avoiding wellness activities that require body nudity, such as swimming
- Abstain from sex
Deformities due to sagging in the leg area can be corrected with leg stretching surgery, also known as thigh stretching. People with sagging problems on the inside of the leg or in the thigh area, which covers the area between the groin and the knee , may consider this procedure as long as they provide adequate health conditions for surgical intervention.
How is Thigh Lift Surgery Performed?
First consultation is important in all procedures related to aesthetic surgery . The more important the person’s wishes and expectations from the surgery are, the more important it is to determine whether he is a suitable candidate for the requested aesthetic procedure . After evaluating the person’s age, general health status and expectations from the surgery, procedure planning is made for the Thigh Lift operation.
What Should the Patient Pay Attention to Before the Operation?
- Smoking should be stopped at least 10 days before the surgery
- The use of blood thinners and other drugs that will affect wound healing should be suspended.
- Preoperative nutrition should be considered as recommended by the doctor.
- It should not be forgotten that at least 8 hours of fasting is required for anesthesia.
The structure of the skin, fat tissues, the degree of sagging are determined and the surgical method is determined. Thigh Lift surgeries can be done in 3 ways:
1- Mini Thigh Lift: It is preferred when the sagging problem is not intense. The incision made under the groin covers a limited area and does not cause an uncomfortable visual as the surgical scar is positioned to come to the groin area.
2- Inner Leg Stretching: In people who lose excessive weight, leg sagging is generally concentrated in the inner parts. According to the degree of sagging, an incision is made from the inside of the leg and excess skin is removed. The incision scar is designed to remain on the inside of the leg.
3- Upper Leg Stretching: With the incision made in the groin area, the excess skin on the upper part of the thigh is removed and the lower skin is stretched upwards. For patients with advanced sagging problems, transverse and longitudinal T-shaped incisions may be required.
In leg stretching surgeries, liposuction techniques can be supported in areas where regional lubrication is observed.
Thigh Lift is a procedure that should be performed under general or local anesthesia and in hospital conditions. Although the surgery varies depending on whether it is performed together with other procedures, it may take about 3 hours.
What is the Recovery Process After Thigh Lift Surgery?
- General anesthesia may be preferred in Thigh Lift surgeries, depending on the patient’s health status.
- The patient may need to stay in the hospital for 1 day after the surgery in order to eliminate the side effects that may be caused by general anesthesia.
- Mild pain may occur in the operation area for the first 3 days. After the leg stretching surgery, a 1-week rest period is needed in order to return to routine life activities such as walking and sitting.
- Physically demanding and tiring activities should be avoided for 1 month.
- It is necessary to use a corset for 1 month after leg stretching surgery. The use of corsets is extremely important in terms of increasing the healing process and the effectiveness of the surgery.
- The first bath can be taken on the 3rd day after the operation.
- The patient should use the medications prescribed by the plastic surgeon regarding the post-operative healing process without interruption and strictly follow the post-operative care instructions.
Specialist Doctors
Medical Branch
Succesful Operation
Other Details About Thigh Lift Surgery
There may be question marks about whether there will be scars in leg stretching surgeries. The size of the scar after Thigh Lift surgery varies depending on the degree of sagging. The incisions opened from the groin area are aligned and sewn so that they can be hidden inside the underwear. Therefore, scars that may occur due to surgery do not visually disturb the person. It should not be forgotten that the most distinctive feature of Aesthetic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is its camouflage capability.
Is Thigh Lift Permanent?
In order for the durability effect to be long-lasting in leg stretching surgeries, weight balance must be achieved. Sagging problems are mostly fed by weight gain and loss and a sedentary lifestyle.