A hair transplant procedure emerges after the age of 30. In patients we take action for hair transplant surgery, we observe the condition that hair loss is stabilized . androgenetics This can be a little difficult to achieve in young individuals with alopecia predisposition. Hair loss may continue after hair transplantation, and the hair shedding may adversely affect the appearance of the transplanted hair. Although hair loss continues after the age of 30, we observe that this problem is partially balanced.
The Problem of Hair Loss at Young Age Is Increasing
It is noteworthy that the average age of hair loss is decreasing. You can read my article in which I detailed the possible reasons for this situation by clicking on the link “Why is the Average Age Declining in Hair Loss?”. There is no single reason for hair loss at a young age. Researches made; It shows that stress, wrong hair care practices, drugs used, dietary habits, air pollution can be effective in this.
Hair Transplantation Should Not Be the First Step for Hair Loss at a Young Age
Hair transplantation should not be the first approach to the problem of unstabilized or unbalanced hair loss. Before considering hair transplantation, young individuals under the age of 30; They should take preventive measures and apply non-surgical hair loss treatments.
What are the Non-Surgical Options for Hair Loss?
Non-surgical treatment options to slow down or control the hair loss process are as follows:
Minoxidil ( Rogaine )
Minoxidil is a stimulant drug for nourishing hair follicles. The FDA-approved drug has been used safely in hair loss treatments for many years.
Finasteride ( Propecia )
It is a drug that aims to stop hair loss by blocking the enzymes that produce DHT. FDA-approved finasteride ; It has temporary side effects that may affect sexual life such as sexual reluctance and erection problems. In addition, the use of this drug in women of reproductive age is considered risky and inconvenient.
PRP ( Platelet Rich Plasma)
platelet- rich plasma, can be considered as a supportive option in preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.
It should not be forgotten that all these non-surgical treatments should be done under the control and supervision of a doctor, and non-prescribed drugs should not be used indiscriminately.
What Can You Do Individually To Slow Down Hair Loss?
- Investigating the source of the hair loss problem
- To control the conditions or diseases determined to cause hair loss
- Turning to natural food sources as much as possible
- Staying away from wrong or harmful hair styling practices
- Using the right hair care products
- Getting support from vitamins and minerals that support hair health
What are the Ideal Conditions for Hair Transplantation?
You may be angry that I have read the article so far and still haven’t pronounced an exact age. There is no clear answer to this question. There are circumstances and conditions to consider. Let’s talk about them briefly.
- be in the appropriate age range
It is also important not to be late in hair transplantation as well as not to act early. This is an operation and health conditions may not be suitable for surgery in advanced ages.
- Stabilization of Hair Loss
We take care to ensure this condition as much as possible in order not to waste the hair transplant surgery. This is the biggest reason why we do not recommend hair transplantation before the age of 30.
- Donor Site Quality
There should be enough healthy hair follicles in the area where the hair follicles are collected and called the donor area.
- Healthy Scalp
No matter how healthy the collected hair follicles are, as long as the planting area is not suitable and productive, hair transplantation may not provide the desired results. First of all, the scalp should be prepared for hair transplantation.