Routine Analysis Check-Up
1.Hemogram (Complete Blood Count Test)
The hemogram test is the numerical and characteristic analysis of blood cells. Hemogram tests are applied to make a comprehensive assessment of the general health status. It is an extremely important indicator for the detection of diseases or the follow-up of the diseases treated. In the hemogram test , which means complete blood count , red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets are examined according to their number and density.
WBC, which means white blood cell, forms the initials of White Blood Cell. White blood cells, called leukocytes, are the guards of the immune system in the body. A higher or lower value than the reference value may indicate different conditions or problems.
The factors that can cause high WBC value in the blood can be listed as follows:
- Infection in the body
- Pregnancy
- Hormonal imbalances
- Smoking
- Stress and anxiety
- Leukemia
- Some allergic diseases
The factors that may cause low WBC value in the blood can be listed as follows:
- Flu infections
- Bone marrow diseases
- Bacterial infections
- Some rheumatic diseases
WBC alone may not be sufficient for their detection. It should be analyzed together with other blood count values.
The PLT test shows the number and volume of platelets in the blood. Platelets act as repair blood cells in the body. As a result of the complete blood count test, the fact that the PLT value is well above or below the normal reference ranges is also important in terms of health status.
It is a test that measures the ratio of red blood cells. They are called the hematocrit . A low HCT value in the blood count indicates that the red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen, are low in the blood. This condition is considered anemia. High HCT may be caused by dehydration or may indicate serious diseases.
It is the value that measures the volume of the blood cell. If the mean blood cell volume, MCV, is high, it may be due to reasons such as vitamin B12 deficiency, folic acid, and side effects of the drugs used. On the other hand, low MCV may bring to mind causes such as some chronic diseases, menstrual period, vitamin B6 deficiency.
2. Thyroid Function Tests
Thyroid gland is an organ with an average weight of 15 g, located on the anterior surface of the neck. It secretes hormones that are vital for body health. Thyroid function tests with blood analysis check whether the thyroid gland is working well.
T3 Test
The level of T3 hormone, one of the hormones secreted by the thyroid gland, gives information about thyroid diseases.
T4 Test
Another hormone secreted by the thyroid gland is T4. In order to detect diseases related to high or low T4 value, it should be evaluated together with the T3 hormone.
TSH hormone secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain is responsible for activating and running the thyroid gland. TSH is a thyroid stimulating hormone. High TSH is an indication that the thyroid is underactive. A low TSH value means that the thyroid is overworked.
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3. Iron, TIBC, Ferritin
Iron : With the iron test , the amount of iron in the blood is measured. It is an essential mineral for the production of hemoglobin protein in red blood cells.
Ferritin : Ferritin is the protein that stores and releases iron. Iron is needed for red blood cells to supply oxygen to the tissues. It obtains this from ferritin , which is an iron store .
TIBC: TIBC, which stands for Total Iron Binding Capacity, is a test applied in cases where anemia is suspected or in the investigation of other diseases that may be due to iron deficiency.